He was born Friday, March 6th at about 6:50am. He weighed 7lbs 8oz and was 20.8 inches long. (I still need to make sure these conversions are correct!)
We're home now after one night at the hospital. Today we're just resting and trying to adjust....which I think we'll be doing for awhile. We all took a nap this afternoon which was great. Camden LOVES his baby brother! He can't stop kissing him, and wants to hold him all the time. What's funny, is that Camden had a meltdown this morning when I was trying to breastfeed Dawson, he saw me doing it and starting crying his head off. I don't know if he was scared or jealous or what, but it was kinda funny. This afternoon's breastfeeding session went much better, but Camden asked if he could have some "milk" from me too.....so we're adjusting! :)
OK, so here's the story..........
I was scheduled to be induced Friday morning at 7am. I went to sleep around 10pm praying about the birth and asking God one more time for a fast delivery (6 hrs or under) and that it would start on its own. Well, I woke up at about 12:30 with a funny feeling. I got up and went to the bathroom and noticed my underwear was wet. I wasn't sure if my water had broken or not, but I was thinking it had. As I was getting up and thinking I should wake up Renato, I felt a "gush" and then I knew that my water had definitely broken. Renato was so funny when I woke him up.....he was so disoriented he didn't know what to do. I just said, "Honey, call your mom to come be with Camden, he have to go to the hospital."
I started feeling a some contractions, but they we just more like cramps. We got to the hospital around 2am. They don't have an OB/GYN at the hospital at all times, just a general Dr. who is at the hospital, with others on-call. So we went to the ER and had to see the general practitioner who was there. First they put me on monitoring for contractions and such. Well, I knew something was wrong with the monitoring because I had done it 3 times before. The contractions we only registering at about 20% with pain this time, and I had had the same percentage all 3 times before with not feeling any contractions. Then I went downstairs to see the Dr. He asked questions and we told him my water broke, he looked at the monitoring, then he checked for dilation. He said I wasn't dilated at all. SO....if you can believe this, he sent me home! Even though my water had broken and I was having contractions 2 minutes apart!!!! He said that my contractions weren't strong enough and that I wasn't dilated so he didn't really think I was in labor. Needless to say, I was a bit upset.
So, we went home.....for about an hour. My contractions continued to get stronger, but were still 2 min. apart. I was scared to go back to the hospital because I didn't want to see that Dr. again. Praise God, a new Dr. was there and he was shocked that they sent me home with my water broken. He checked and I was 2-3 cm dilated and they went about doing paperwork and admitting me. (Which took awhile!)
They got me into a room and called the OB/GYN who was on-call. He came in and checked me and I was about 5-6 cm dilated. The contractions were getting pretty strong, and I knew that the anesthesiologist (sp?) was not in the hospital, and IF I needed him, I better ask now. They said they'd wait till I was 7cm to get an epidural. They took me down to surgery to prepare me and everything. This is where there is a BIG difference in birthing in Brazil. In the US you get total comfort in your room while delivering. In Brazil, it's a very sterile surgery room....and a VERY uncomfortable, narrow, flat, hard surgery table that you give birth on. Not comfortable at all!
My contractions were getting REALLY hard and I kept asking where the anethesiologist was and when he was coming. I believe the whole hospital was hearing me scream....if that gives you any indication on how strong the contractions were. Then all of a sudden I felt like I needed to push.....and still no epidural. I got really scared and screamed "NO, NO, NO" through that whole contraction of pushing. Then Praise God, the "miracle no-pain man" came!!! Ha! They sat me up as quickly as they could and it took him about a minute to get the epidural in. Here it was just a shot straight into my spine, not a cathedure like the US. And heaven came to my body and I as instantly numb. Just in time too, because as soon as they laid me down again they said "Push"! I was so numb I couldn't even feel to push, but I did what I could. I think I only pushed like 3 times, and less than 2 minutes after I got the epidural, Dawson arrived! Wow, that was just in the "nick of time". :)
When I pushed, there was a nurse standing beside me and was pushing hard on my stomach too to help Dawson out. (I know it was hard now, that I'm REALLY sore on my stomach from where she pushed.) I didn't even really know he was out until they told me. They didn't show him to me or anything, just took him behind a glass wall. So after about 5 minutes they finally brought him to me to see quickly before they took him up to the nursery. They stitched me up (they gave me an episiotomy) and I had to wait in the "recovery" room until my epidural wore off. Then I was back up in my room and they finally brought Dawson to me....about an hour after he was born.
So, I "almost" made it without the epidural, but I was so happy that I got it. I have a feeling though, that if I had made it that far in the US without it, I probably would have not gotten it...I was just so unsure of everything at the time here. But, there's always next time to try again. :)
Praise God, He answered so many prayers! I prayed specifically for my water to break on it's own and have a quick labor of 6 hrs or less, and that's what happened! AND, the best part, is we have a handsome, healthy, and perfect little boy!
Wow! What a story. Brazil is about 15+ years behind in Labor and Delivery practices. We never make people wait to a certain dilation for an epidural (well past 1 or 2 cm), the "one-time dose" epidural was phased out several years ago, the whole go to a surgical suite to deliver vaginally is reminiscent of when our mothers delivered, PUSHING on your tummy to get the baby out....??? HUGE no, no now here in the states, and the automatic episotomy....way old fashioned. I thank God that He did move things quickly and you didn't have to be induced. It would give me nightmares to hear how they handled that!! His protection surrounded you! At least now though you know how close you came to delivering without an epidural. I'll bet you can do it next time! Love you bunches and can't wait to meet Dawson this summer.
Yay!!! Congratulations Mama!! God is good!
Praise God! I'm glad everything went relatively well and God made it abundantly clear once again that He does answer prayer!!
You're pictures are beautiful - thanks for sharing.
Machele...I am so glad that you were able to have Dawson without being induced and the he came so quickly...and that the epideral came in time. :o) He is a beautiful baby! The picture of Camden holding Dawson is adorable!!
Cassulas', we are so happy for you! Blessings to you as you enjoy this new addition to your family.
Love Peter and Ramona Rios
Yay! Congratulations!!! he is sooooo cute! Dark hair! lol Can't wait to meet him one day....
keeping you in my prayers.
Holy Adorable Baby Batman!!! Praise the Lord for amazing stories and gorgeous babies and health and answered prayers! I'm glad Renato finally got one that looks like him. You guys are my heroes! Much love!!!
I thought of you this weekend as we drove down to Colorado Springs. Praying all is well and everyone is adjusting to a new little boy in the house.
Blessings, my friend.
congrats! just found your blog, will be reading it often!
I'm Melissa from (Desiring to be) A Woman After God's Own Heart. Thanks for visiting my site.
What a miracle a newborn baby is! Glad you are all well and pray that the adjustment is a smooth one. May you be blessed!
Hi Michele, I noticed you commented on my blog, thank you for your kind words.
Wow, what a beautiful family you have! I love the pictures and your birth story, isn't God so faithful?!
I understand that you might not have time to comment, so thanks for letting me know you were there and are blessed. You made my day! Please feel free to lurk anytime, as you have your hands full!;-)
Michele!! I just read the comment you left on my blog and I can not wait to hear what the Lord is doing!!
So many questions/thoughts running through my head!! hehe Like I said, I look forward to hearing what He is doing.
Praying all is well...
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